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Home Care Solutions


From Home Health organizations to Hospice Home Care, managed care in a home setting is a convenience measure for your patients. While your patients may be more comfortable in a home setting, your patients and their caregivers may have difficulty acquiring medications or difficulty with compliance.

Easy-To-Open Time of Day Packaging


Many patients in managed care have large and complex medication regimens. Multiple medications each with different time of the day dosing can cause confusion for your patients at home or high burden on your staff in a facility setting.


Gone are the days where many vials need to be opened sequentially or pill boxes to be filled manually. We can provide medications in an easy to rip open packet that contains all of the medications that are scheduled for a certain time. Decreasing the apparent complication of a regimen and increasing patient compliance.


Automation Innovations


Procure is built from technology. We can provide technological innovation not only in our drug preparation services but also clear out to drug administration.


Our time of day packaging can be integrated with automation that can be placed directly in the patient's home. The automation can notify the patient when it is time to take a dose of medication as well as notify caregivers when a medication has or has not been dispensed or administered.


With Procure, it has never been easier to create a circle of care between the managed care organization providers, pharmacy, and caregivers.

Prescriptions Delivered Personally to Your Doorstep



Medications can be mailed and locally delivered straight to your patients' doorstep. Medication delivery ensures that the medication reaches your patient's home without the fear of needing coordinate a pick-up at the pharmacy between medication order completion and caregiver schedule.


Combined with our easy to manage packaging and automation innovations, patient compliance has never been easier.


Compounded Prescription Medications



For those times when your pateints need a custom product that is not available from a commercial manufacturer, look to Procure for your compounding needs. Our medication compounding service is just another way the Procure can deliver personal medications to your patients.


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